Monday, December 7, 2015

Study Guide: Page 248-249

Review: Near Future

You need to make sure to conjugate ALLER appropriately:

Je vais aller a la piscine
Tu vas faire du sport
Il va manger du chocolat
Nous allons acheter un manteau
Vous allez prendre le bus
Ils vont regarder le film

Review: 4 main verbs

Review Pages: Study Guide

Near Future: R26
Avoir, être, faire, aller: R25
Regular Passé Composé: 240
Irregular Passé Composé: 241
Cumulative Review: 250-251
Quel/quelle/quels/quelles: 228
Ce/cet/cette/ces: 226

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Irregular Past Participle

Christmas Party

Here is our list of food for the party. If you've committed to bringing something please make sure you remember. If something comes up and you can't bring it anymore make sure to let us know. The party will be on FRIDAY DECEMBER 11th
Click here to view the list of food. A2 food list and A4 food list
Remember we have set a 5 dollar limit for the gifts. If for some reason you are no longer able to bring a gift for the person you were assigned come see me ASAP

Image result for santa claus